Your San Francisco Business is at Risk from Hackers – Yes, Even Yours!
If you are over the age of 40, you will know that email only arrived on the scene 25 years ago. This writer well remembers the barmaid in our local bar here in Noe Valley, San Francisco, saying back in 1996 that she had just sent an email to a friend in Australia.
Email? What the heck is an email?
She explained that it was a way of sending written messages using telephone cables. Huh? It made no sense at all.
Fast forward 25 years and technology has galloped on apace. Today, you can organize your bank account from a very small portable computer that fits in your pocket or handbag. It is called a mobile phone. Yep. That is what it was when it first arrived on the scene, but now it is actually a portable computer that just happens to include a phone in it.
Unfortunately, the fast pace of technology has produced a huge number of thieves who have realized that they can use this technology to their advantage by hacking (nobody even understood that word ten years ago!) into your computer systems and finding out the details of your bank accounts, and manipulating them so that they can help themselves to your money.
The very same technology that is used to run all the administration and billing systems in your business is used to steal from you. That same technology may be used to run your production lines or whatever else it is that your business provides, along with every other aspect of your business, and it is ALL vulnerable to hackers.
We’re Fighting Back – an IT Consulting Firm in San Francisco
But the good news is that we are fighting back. At Anchor Advisory, our team of tech “geeks” is not only as good as, but better than the bad guys. They understand all the technology, but so do we, which is why you need our IT security services in San Francisco. We can audit all your systems and provide you with a report showing the vulnerabilities, and then produce security installations that will protect you from attack.
Oh sure, you may say, but I’m only a small business manufacturing fingleferks. They won’t be interested in me.
To which we say: does your business make money? If it does, they are interested in you. Sure, they may never find you. Then again, they may find you tomorrow, which is why you need our IT security services in San Francisco. What we do is a form of insurance. You insure your car, don’t you? And if it gets written off in a car wreck you can buy another one.
Can you buy another business if yours gets written off?
That is exactly why you need our IT security services in San Francisco. Let us take a look at your systems, and we’ll find the weak points. Then we can help to fix them for you if you want us to do so.
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